Hey, Everyone!

26 07 2008

This is the official movie review blog for the staff of The Video Forum.  Come here to see all the latest news on upcoming DVD’s, Movie reviews for both new releases and older catalog films, and events held at The Video Forum.

To preserve internet anonimity, the staff will have usernames that are not their real names, but you can always ask us in person whose who (but you might be able to figure it out yourself *wink*.)  

anyone can comment on the reviews, just keep it clean and safe for the kids, and try not to spoil the movies for others who haven’t seen them yet.

There are rules for both staff and guests that we all need to follow:

1.  The reviews must be vauge enough so as to not spoil the flick for anyone, but that does not mean you can’t go into specifics.  it’s a hard balance, I know, but the staff wants people to make their own choices without a movie being ruined.

2.  No vulgarity.  Hopefully everyone will be able to see this, including those under 18, so let’s not get to explicit for our younger readers.  Anyone, including staff members, who break this rule will have their post or comment deleted.

3.  This is a fun place.  I really do want this to be an open, and polite forum.  I do not want this to become a place to flame or insult anyone who posts here, even if you disagree with them.  There are better, and more constructive ways to handle an argument.  Anyone who starts an insulting post or thread, will have their post or thread deleted, and will be banned from posting until cleared by the administrator.  This includes staff members…

Other than that, I hope everyone gets the most they can out of this.  you can easily request a review for any movie in the store.  The staff will do their best to see the film and let you, the reader, know what we think about the film.  So sit back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show…



One response

28 07 2008

Seannnnn, you are awesome

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